Damn you linux reference counting.

GitHub logoSo this was an hilarious case of reference counting.

There I was, developing my Perl Catalyst app. I migrate to gitlab like all the other cool kids. I move the original development directory to .bak like a good boy.

But, my plackup is still running and because reference counting, the open files are all still there so I was still happily running. I check out the gitlab version, make changes and NOTHING HAPPENS. Until finally the penny drops, I quit the original, now renamed directory and re-enter the correct one.

Suddenly everything works and hilarity ensues.

Homeopaths lose legal challenge against NHS England


homeopathy pills
homeopathy pills

Homeopathy is one of my bugbears. It’s water.  1800 scientific studies say it doesn’t work.

I fight a constant battle on Quora against homeopathy. It’s mostly Indians who seem confused between medicine proven by science and water.


“A legal challenge brought by the British Homeopathic Association against NHS England’s decision to remove homeopathic treatments from routine primary care has been dismissed on all points by the High Court.”

Sometimes the news is good. Now we can get on with important stuff like curing cancer.